Value Everything Else

It may sound a little strange at first, but as George Carlin famously pointed out, our stuff matters. Material things aren’t more important than people or values or love or puppies, but our stuff is what we surround ourselves with and one of the things that makes a home a home. What we choose to own, display, wear, or use, are essential parts of how we define ourselves. Sharing our stuff with others or deciding who gets our stuff when we die sends a strong message about bigger things – the ones we can’t inventory and which can’t be assigned a dollar value.
In short, it’s fine to value my stuff as long as I understand the role it plays and what it can and can’t do. As a wise man once said, the best way to make sure material goods aren’t controlling you is to control them first.
At Accury, we’re revolutionizing practical access to accurate information and professional insight about residential and commercial real estate. Our re-imagined use of personal technology to make accūRATE property appraisal information as easy to access as today’s weather forecast or last night’s sports scores brings fresh life to the old adage that “knowledge is power.”
The imminent release of the EquityMizer will allow anyone considering remodeling or renovating to accurately assess the impact of specific changes to their owner’s equity or their home’s precise market value. We have a core convictions here at Accury and across the Goalry family that most people are perfectly capable of taking more effective control of their personal and small business finances if only provided with the right information, insight, opportunities, and tools to make it happen.
You don’t need us or anyone else to tell you what to do. What most of us need is easier access to information already out there, from wherever you happen to be, and whenever you actually need it. There’s no reason for this to remain theoretical or languish in the “maybe someday” pile. It’s time we talk about how I can more efficiently and effectively value my things or accurately assess the worth of any item I’m considering acquiring.
At Accury, we’ve made our name revolutionizing personal access to certified real estate appraisals and making more informed home improvement decisions by calculating equity impact ahead of time. The best technology doesn’t try to tell you what to do – it gives you more complete information in more useful forms, when and where you need it, from any connected device, as efficiently as possible. The best technology is about access and organization of knowledge, and knowledge – as you know – is power.
We didn’t design accūRATE so you could “beat the system”; we created accūRATE so you could take more effective control of your own financial decisions and better respond to decisions others might make which impact you and those you love. We didn’t innovate the EquityMizer so that we’d have a cooler gimmick than the next guy (it’s so much more than that); we re-imagined the possibilities because we believe in the power of information made useful and accessible.
Imagine applying that same innovation to appraisals and insights for almost anything of value you might possess. For almost anything you’re considering buying, selling, insuring, storing, or offering as collateral for that personal loan that might mean so much. For taking more effective control of your personal and small business finances. Imagine yet another game-changing leap forward in terms of your personal access to knowledge and expertise. Imagine the confidence that comes from understanding the value of almost anything.
It may be that the only real value of those wonderful things you’ve been sitting on for years is emotional. That’s OK – you probably didn’t really want to get rid of them anyway. On the other hand, what if those Gunsmoke lunchboxes are THE lunchboxes mentioned in that article you found online? How can you tell? It seems unlikely that the guys down at Clock’n’Hock are going to know the difference – even if they keep pretending they do.
Imagine being able to walk into your local bank or credit union or attach to your online loan application a certified value assessment for almost any item. Imagine taking a few pics and entering a little basic information as easily as you’d check your balance or complain about local politicians on social media. Imagine that within 48 hours or less, you could have input and appraisals from actual experts in almost any field. Imagine if today’s technology allowed you to move beyond the bondage of your ZIP code and allowed you to virtually travel the globe seeking options and input without buying a single airline ticket or booking a single hotel room?
We’re big fans of supporting local business. By all means, see what they have to say. Keep in mind, though, that my ability to value my things in the confines of my ZIP code, my city, or even my region, is not the same as the ability to value my things as part of the interconnected 21st century. Any antiques or collectibles dealer will tell you that while they’ll do the local shows and set up their booths and bring their monogrammed tablecloths, that’s largely to build name recognition and dump overstock or unload last year’s poor decisions. The real money in rare books, collectible vinyl, or unique furniture is online. It’s the larger market. Any meaningful non-traditional property valuation has to come from the larger market as well.
Check out the rest of Accury and the wider Goalry family. But while you do, keep your eyes on this page. And imagine what’s coming next.