Capitalization Rate Definition Explained Perfectly

Real estate is one of the best investments you can make. For a long time, real estate has been considered a great way to invest and make money. This is mainly because real estate usually increases in value, as long as you are smart about your purchases.

There can be some downsides to real estate investment and you should learn as much as you can in an effort not to make poor choices. One of the key terms you should understand and consider when making decisions about real estate is capitalization. This is an important term for anyone that wants to buy real estate as an investment. Continue reading this article to find out more information about all things capitalization.

What is Capitalization Rate?

Capitalization rate is a term that is often used in real estate to determine if a property is a good investment. The term is often shortened to cap rate and it helps you determine the net operating income of the property you want or have.

This is also how you determine how much return you can earn on your property. When you purchase something as an investment, the entire point is to make money. If you do not make money, it is a bad investment for you. The cap rate helps you determine how much money you might make. This is not the only factor that should go into your decision about purchasing an investment, but it is an important one.

The number is always presented as a percentage. It is a fairly simple number to determine. You take the net operating income of the property and divide it by the current value. The net operating value is how much money you make from the property after you have paid all of the expenses. This is the money you walk away with as profit.

An easy example is:

Your net operating income is $10,000 and the value of the property is $500,000, then the cap rate is 20 percent.

If your net operating income on the same investment is $50,000, then your cap rate is 10 percent.

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Why is the Capitalization Rate Important?

The capitalization rate is important because it can help you determine how much risk there might be for you when you purchase an investment. If you use the cap rate alone, it may not give you the full picture, but it is a starting point at which you can determine if you should continue to consider a piece of property as an investment.

It is important for you to understand how much risk is associated with a particular investment you would like to make. This is the best way for you not to go into the purchase of property unaware. If you are new to investing in property, you want to take smart steps in an effort not to completely lose all your money.

While investing in real estate can be a simple way to invest, it is not always easy. You can make a lot of mistakes that can cost you greatly. The best way to prevent that is to learn as much as you can and understand how numbers like the cap rate are important to your decision.

What Goes Into Determining the Capitalization Rate?

One of the key numbers in determining the capitalization rate is the current market value of the property in which you are considering, or currently own. There are many factors that go into the current market value price that can drive it up or down.

Real estate can fluctuate based on the market. When the market is good, the prices of real estate go up. When you hold on to a property for a longer time, you will own more of it, owe less on it, and therefore make more money when you sell it, especially if you can wait until a time when the market is doing really well. It is important for you to understand the cap rate at any given time.

  • The age of the property makes a difference in your cap rate along with the location of the property. These items factor into the market value of the property.

  • The condition of the property also makes a difference on the current value.

  • The amount of money that you owe on the property makes a difference on your return net operating income. The more money you pay on it, then the lower your operating income will be.

These factors are changeable, which also makes the cap rate changeable and it is important for you to understand that before making a decision.

What is a Good Capitalization Rate?

It is possible for the same capitalization rate to be good or bad, depending on how you plan to use it.

When Buying

If you are planning to sell the property, then you want a lower cap rate. A lower cap rate indicates that the value of the property is high.

When Selling

If you are buying a property, you want the cap rate to be higher because this means you will have a lower investment cost.

The amount of time you plan to keep the property also determines if the cap rate is good for you. When a property has a cap rate of 10 percent, it will take you about 10 years to make back the money you invested in the property. If you only want to keep the property for 5 years, this may not be the best cap rate for you.

In general terms, a cap rate that falls between 4 percent and 12 percent is considered to be a good cap rate for investments.

However, it is important to understand what goes into determining the cap rate for a certain area, as well as realizing that the rate can change.

What is Over Capitalization?

In general, when it comes to real estate investment, the thought is you purchase it at a low price, you hold onto it for a while, you make some improvements and then you sell it for more than you purchased it. That is one way to make money from a real estate investment.

Another way is to make money while you are holding onto it, which could be through rent. The goal is to get as much return on your investment as quickly as possible. However, if you do too much to the property, you run the risk of overcapitalization.

This occurs when you have done so much to the house but you have not increased the overall value at the same rate as your upgrades. Many people find themselves in this position. There is a limit to how much you are going to be able to sell a property.

Be Smart with the Upgrades

If you purchase a property for $200,000 and you know the houses in the area are selling for $280,000, you can reasonably think that with the right upgrades, you can sell your property for that much, and maybe, just maybe a little more. Chances are you are not going to be able to sell your house for $380,000. This means that you need to be smart with your upgrades. You should do the upgrades that will give you the most return, usually kitchens and bathrooms, but stay within the range of for much can you really sell the house.

Is the Capitalization Rate Changeable?

You should not try to use one cap rate for different properties in different areas, even if all other things are equal. The cap rate is specific to one property in one area. You can have the exact same house, with all the same features and the value is different based on the location.

In addition, you will not be able to charge the same amount in rent even if the house is exactly the same. An easy example to illustrate this is a house that you can rent in a fast-paced city, or even on the edges of the city is going to be much higher than the rent you can charge for that same house in a more rural area.

The amount of growth happening in an area will also dictate how much you can charge in a certain area. A cap rate is just a snapshot in time. It is the value for today. If you can project what is happening in a certain area, you may also be able to project how the cap rate may change.

Should the Capitalization Rate Determine if You Invest?

The capitalization rate should not be the only factor that determines if you invest in a property. It should be a factor, but not the only one. Keep in mind, this rate is a percentage that is only a snap shot in time. To determine an accurate cap rate, you need to find out property values and make sure they are accurate.

This rate is changeable and while the hope is that your risk decreases and your profits increases, that is not always the case. You have to determine how much risk you can take and balance that with everything else you are doing from an investment and financial perspective. You have to make the decision that is right for you in that moment.

What are the Advantages of Investing in Real Estate?

There are some major advantages to investing in real estate that may make it worth your time and money. The biggest advantage is profit. You can earn equity in the property as you own it and pay down the mortgage on it. The more you pay means the more you owe and more money you can put in your pocket when you sell. The property is most likely increasing in value, even if it increases in small amounts, it it still increasing.

On top of all that, you can rent out the property and make money off the rent. The capitalization rate is a great way to see how much you can earn. If you are investing as a business, you have tax writes off as part of the business, which also puts money back in your pocket. There are many solid ways to earn money investing in real estate.

What Are the Major Risks to Investing?

Just as there are many advantages to investing in real estate, there are some disadvantages. Before you jump in and buy property, make sure you understand both sides.

You have to put a down payment on any property you want to buy. If you are newer to investing, this may be difficult for you to find. If you have been buying and selling properties for a while, or are independently wealthy, this may not be a big deal to you. For some, it is a mountain too steep to climb.

You are responsible for all the costs associated with the house. No matter what type of repairs it needs, they fall to you to address. Most likely, you are not going to be able to pay for the property in cash and will need a mortgage. To qualify for a mortgage, you must meet certain criteria, which includes being in a good place financially.


This article has explained a fair amount about cap rates and why they are important. They should not be the only factor that you consider. You must make sure that you can afford to take on the responsibility of any property you want to purchase. You cannot just look at how much money you can earn.

You also have to pay attention to how much money it is going to cost you. You may not begin to earn money right away. You have to be prepared for that as well. Make smart choices and good financial decisions.